Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Ang Needs Your Help!

Morning, afternoon, & evening to y'all.
I'm in a bit of a fix & I need YOUR help!

So last week I told y'all about The Inklingettes
 (a group of super fly hawty hawts who have let me muck up their groove thang)
& their brain child of awesomeness

It was a blast & many a fan-tab-ulous tales were told.
I kid you not, 
I *heart* them all and had more fun than a pig in a... pig pen.
You should check them out like yesterday.
(stories here. read. NOW.)

Where was I?
Oh yes.
So in the spirit of good times, sprinkles, sparkles, & cookies
I wrote my own little ditty & posted it.
I must be frank,
I didn't view the hop as a contest & never even looked at the prizes.
Imagine my surprise when I found out yesterday I won
The Emotional Impact Choice!
And not only did I get this nifty little nod but I won a freaking prize!
Annnnnnd not just any prize but a custom painting
that is awaiting a quote from my flipping fic!!

After much blushing,
 (okay more like turning beet red and blotchy but blushing sounds far cuter)
feeling unworthy,
and shaking,
I reread my little fic & tried to pick out a quote.
But then I thought,
what's the fun in that?!
This is a community thing,
so why not ask my fellow Inlingettes & Blog Hoppers
& my dear bloggy friends
to help me pick a quote from my story for the painting.

Here's what I need you to do:
1. Please, go here & read my wee story.
2. Pick out your favorite quote & leave it on this post in the comments.
I'll pick the one that tickles my fancy
(plus gets a nod of approval from the mister & bestie)
and post a pic of the finished product once I've received it (!!!).

But wait.
Here's a wee bit of inspiration--
the painting (!!!).
The artist is Lee Clements.
Her website is here.
Please check it out.
Beauty abounds there.
And on that note, I present to you my new painting (!!!):
painting by Lee Clements of Artful Lee Designed
Now, enough of my insane rambling.
Ready. Steady.


  1. I would be tempted to use this piece:

    'Matt lowered his lips to Lilith’s and kissed her eager mouth, pouring into their kiss his unspoken love.
    Pain sliced into Matt, a sharp, unforgiving spasm starting in his chest and radiating throughout his body.'

    I know it leaves out: “It’s about time,” she said. But I like the impact.

    Keen to see what other people like!
    So pleased you won this Ang! xxxx

    1. Thank you, Lisa! *hugs*
      I'm still a wee bit shell-shocked, but I'm rolling with it. ;)
      I totally like the impact, as well.
      And I'm wondering if splicing lines together might just be the way to go! *highfive*
      We shall see!

  2. Hi Ang

    thanks for your lovely words about my art and my blog. I'm so glad you like the painting. I had fun creating it.

    My favourite quote is this one. This was the feeling I had when I painted it. Torn feelings, uncertain, the push and pull of emotion, an under-current of real love.

    "Was this love? Matt had thought himself incapable of love. Emma, his ex, had called him heartless. Maybe she’d been right. Love had never been a priority, until now."

    Hope you pick the quote that means the most to you :)

    1. But of course. Your art & blog are truly lovely. =)

      And you're thoughts and impressions are ever so important in the picking of the quote! I have always admired/envied artist and having a painting with my words on it... whelp, it verklempts me! THANK YOU!!

      I can't wait to share with you a few options and my rambling thoughts!! (lucky you. *winks*)

  3. I think the painting matches your story completely; not a fairy tale colour/thought in sight lol. I like 'Emma says hello' as along with the painting you get the feeling it's a rather unexpected, chilling hello just like your story. The painting is gorgeously gothic with the drips and deep reds. . . . but as the above post says, you need to go with one that means most to you and matches your ideas of the painting. xxx

    1. When I saw the painting I thought "holy hell, it's my story on canvas!" At least, the feelings I had while writing it. It made me tear up in a not-at-all-drama-queen-way. ;)

      I love that line. I was so worried. Because in my head, it's creepy and deadly and so sinister and captures it all, but I wasn't sure I'd set it up right. Sometimes trusting yourself as a writer is the scariest thing and when it works out it's so fulfilling.

      Thank you for helping out!

  4. So pleased for you & just to say loving the painting. Ok for what it's worth my favourite quote is (drum roll please)

    Lilith’s beautiful face now marred with deep scars. Her eyes blood red, her teeth jagged. He tried to shout yet his lips sealed shut. His body betrayed him, held in place by an unknown force.

    Can't wait to see which quote you go for :)

    1. THANK YOU! And lovely drum roll, my friend!!

      YAY! Lilith is a nightmare, like literally I had a dream about her and... *shudders*

      So many peeps commented about hating Matt or Emma, I thought it was awesome Lilith stayed under the radar, cause in my mind, she's the true villain in this story. But that's my take away as a reader, to each their own.

  5. Had a rethink, how about -



  6. Matt seems like the bad guy for whatever he did to Emma, but Lilith is the real villian of the story. She's the one who stabbed him. As I said on Twitter earlier, Karma got him.

    My favorite quote is: Their eyes collided and he gasped in horror.

    I think this quote fits the painting so well because of the colors. It captures what he's feeling right after the knife goes in. What he thought was love turns out to be the thing that ends him.
