The Hating Game by Sally Thorne
This. Book.
It's quirky and funny and so very swoon worthy.
I've read it a billion times.
That's literally a billion times.
Fight me if you don't believe me.
In fact, I think I need to reread it again.
Like. Right. Now.
Unearthly by Cynthia Hand
I've owned Unearthly for years and
for some stupid reason I didn't pick it up until last year.
And man. What a dumb move.
While a solid YA fantasy series,
it's also extremely swoony with a side of extra swoon.
And yes, it's got a love triangle.
Which is usually a hard pass for yours truly.
Buuuuuut it's done well and my ship conquered all.
The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie by Jennifer Ashley
Holy. Geez.
This. Book.
Wait. Did I use that already?
Too. Bad. Because this freaking book.
It's dark and mysterious and forget swooning.
It defines the term "hot" which might be
the first time I've EVER used hot in a review.
Do. Not. Pass. Go.
Do. Not. Collect. Two. Hundred. Dollars.
You want a mystery with a side of over the top classic historical romance?
This book is what you are looking for.
Goodnight Tweetheart by Teresa Medeiros
Bittersweet and full of surprises,
I laughed my way through this insanely clever novel
until I bawled my eyes out.
Goodnight Tweetheart is heartfelt and lovely.
I'm ever so glad I read it.
The Secret by Julie Garwood
Have I used this book?
Because THIS BOOK.
Because THIS BOOK.
This is the one.
It's the first book that hooked me on romance
and reading and yeah, I was thirteen
(or was I twelve? DO NOT JUDGE ME).
My grandma (yes, my freaking grandma)
handed me The Secret when I was flying solo
from The Big Apple to the Silver State and I gobbled it up.
Her pitch: It's a sweet story about friends
who stick by each other through thick and thin.
And she was right.
Toss in some kissing, kilts, and more (wink wink)
Toss in some kissing, kilts, and more (wink wink)
and you've got a book that's guaranteed to make a lifelong bookworm.
And that bookworm is me.
What's on your top five list of romance novels?
Are you a historical fan?
Or contemporary?
Did I miss something that's a MUST READ?
Did I miss something that's a MUST READ?
Let me know in the comments.
Because I'm looking for a new book to swoon over!
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