Tuesday, January 29, 2019

January In Review

January is coming to a close. This month has been an excursion in staying consistent and being a cheerleader for myself. Two things I suck at. But I am determined to fake it until I make it. It’s been a quiet, successful month during which I’ve reconnected with my love of book blogging, worked on making my work a priority, and stayed the course even when my brain screamed at me to quit. Here are a few things that kept me sane along the way.

Good Shows
We started watching Brooklyn 99.
Love. Love. Love. All the characters.
Especially Captain Holt.

Good Music
Like Weezer's Teal Album.
Which I'm in love with and have listened to a billion times.

Good Food
I heart soup.
And winter is the perfect season for it.
Here's a quick, easy Ramen recipe our family adores:

And here's a pic from when we made it last week.
As you can see, we skip the cherry tomatoes.
But mushroom broth is a MUST.
We've tried it without and it's not the same.

Good Books
As I mentioned in my top five comfort reads post,
Ms. Allen is an author I reread often.
This month I finished Lost Lake for the millionth time.
When I finished the book, I thought about rereading it. True story.
You can check out the other books I read this month on GoodReads.

Good Words
This month I stopped focusing on word count goals and publishing deadlines. I focused instead on a brand new All The What Ifs bonus chapter. A heads up for those of you who’ve read the All The What Ifs bonus chapter in Of Lies and Zombies, the new scene I am working on takes place the day before and is from Ashley’s perspective! And if that wasn't awesome enough, the new scene will be in next month’s newsletter! You. Are. Welcome.

Writing about Ashley and her friends again felt like coming home. It reminded how much I loved writing All The What Ifs and how excited I am to finish the Richmond High Series.

It’s a solid start to a good year. And I’m thankful for it plus looking forward to next month and the awesome to come.

How was your month, my friends?